ASCA Board


I probably don’t need any introduction to the majority of you, as I have been a constant in the coffee industry and ASCA since its inception. 

Coffee is all I know. 

I have worked, actually more like had fun, met lots of interesting and diverse people and indulged in tasty coffee all my life. 

I have been involved in coffee at all levels. From the supply chain, directly sourcing green beans, importing, roasting, education, a barista serving espresso’s, retail and wholesale. 

One of my proudest moments in coffee, collaborating in grass roots social projects, in healthcare, education and recycling. Recycling and sustainability is one of my major passions and focuses, with many more projects in the pipeline. With these grass roots projects, I can actually affect people’s lives for the better. 

A very close second proudest moment, is getting involved in ASCA. I have always given back to the industry that has nurtured and helped me along my wide and diverse career. I was kindly awarded Life Member status in 2017 for my service to coffee. 

I am honoured to stand as President of ASCA and fully intend to guide it diligently into the future.


Studying to become a mechanical engineer at Monash University, coffee was never meant to be my chosen path.

I’ve spent the last 20 years working with coffee professionally and am an accredited WCE World Barista Championship sensory judge.

In 2009, I opened the doors to The Espresso School in Melbourne and met some amazing people along the way. Some of my students have gone on to do amazing things of their own, including industry titans like Anthony Douglas (World Barista Champion) and Jeremy Zhang (2x China Barista Champion).

My career trajectory is thanks to competing in and judging ASCA-sanctioned competitions.

This is my second term as Vice President, having previously served two terms as Head of the Barista Guild. Serving on the ASCA board is my way of giving back to the community from which I’ve gained so much.


I’m the specialist barista trainer and coordinator at the Coffee Academy at William Angliss Institute, and also a certified WCE Sensory Judge for the World Barista Championships (2013-current).

I started judging at ASCA competitions in 2008 and am one of ASCA judge’s calibration and accredited lead instructors, having judged both state and national barista competitions for a number of years.

In 2016, I received the inaugural Australian Coffee Woman of the Year for my contributions to coffee over more than 20 years working in hospitality.


I am currently the company owner and Director of Scope Accounting, and have been the ASCA Treasurer since 2017.

Before running my own business, I was Treasurer of the South East Brisbane Chamber of Commerce and have years of experience under my belt when it comes to crunching numbers.


I had my first specialty coffee in 2018 while traveling in South America, and it brought me to Melbourne in late 2019.  Currently, I am working with Five Senses Coffee as a barista trainer in Victoria and National curriculum manager ; I have recently become a Q grader.

I have both judged and competed for the past couple of years. It helped me grow as a coffee professional, and I encourage everyone to get involved around competitions.

I really enjoy sharing all I have learnt in coffee, and this is why I am part of the ASCA board.


Starting as a barista during high school, I always thought I’d end up getting a “real job”. Just like many other coffee professionals, over the last 15 years I’ve found out just how much of a “real job” coffee can be.

Coffee has become something that keeps me curious, pushes me to keep learning and allows me to share my knowledge and excitement with likeminded people all around the globe.

I am currently working with Espresso Company Australia, an equipment importer as BDM for VIC, TAS and SA. I am lucky to work with some of the greatest minds in coffee on a daily basis, and my involvement with ASCA is my way of giving back to the industry that has given me so much.


I’ve dedicated the past 26 years of my life to the coffee industry, starting my journey as a barista and eventually moving into consulting. In 2013, I founded Barista Supplies, which has since become one of the country’s leading suppliers of barista tools and brewing gear. My passion for innovation in the coffee world also led me to develop many products currently used behind the bar all across the globe and co-found Scentible; the world’s first consumable sensory kit for specialty coffee.

For the past decade, I’ve been actively involved with the Australian Specialty Coffee Association (ASCA), where I’ve had the privilege of judging both state and national competitions. This role has allowed me to learn from industry experts and contribute to the growth and excellence of the coffee community.

My journey from behind the counter to the forefront of coffee consulting and product development has been incredibly rewarding. I remain committed to enhancing the coffee experience for both professionals and enthusiasts.

I’m honoured to be on the ASCA board as I continue to support the education, quality and innovation of the coffee industry.


My journey began in 2018 as a barista when I was selected to compete in a local barista competition, which unexpectedly led me to discover my true passion for specialty coffee. This accidental discovery opened doors to new opportunities, and I’ve since become a member of the specialty coffee community with judging and currently am a World Certified Barista Sensory Judge

I have the privilege of working with Zest Specialty Coffee, where I honed my skills as a current Brand Ambassador. My experience in the industry has been nothing short of incredible, and I’ve had the opportunity to judge barista competitions on both regional and national levels with ASCA (Australian Specialty Coffee Association). 

Throughout my journey, I’ve been driven by my passion for the transformative power of coffee. I believe that specialty coffee has the ability to bring people together, foster connections, and create unforgettable experiences. As a member of the ASCA board, I’m committed to making a positive impact on the industry and community.

In my second year on the board, I’m excited to continue working towards creating a bigger ripple effect in the specialty coffee world. Whether through judging competitions, promoting education and awareness, or simply sharing my love for coffee with others, I’m dedicated to making a difference.