Two new board positions open at ASCA – Membership Advocate and Head of Roasters Guild

The Australian Specialty Coffee Association (ASCA) is proud to announce two board positions to be filled on an interim basis. These temporary positions will be voted on at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Please note that ASCA is a fully volunteer-run organisation. Anyone looking to fill these positions should be prepared to give approximately 15 hours a month to successfully contribute to the organisation.

Head – ASCA Rosters Guild

With the previous Head of the Roasters Guild Shae Macnamara leaving the country, ASCA is currently seeking a person to fill the position. You should be an experienced roaster, with the skills and passion to both develop and drive projects that will increase engagement with and among roasters around Australia.

Membership Advocate

ASCA is proud to create the new position of Membership Advocate. This person will be responsible for developing and driving campaigns that increase membership value across the organisation.

Please email through your CV, and a letter explaining why you want the relevant position, and what you can contribute to the organisations, to by 30 June. The positions will be assigned by the executive on an interim basis, and will then be open to a vote at the next AGM.