National Slurpers Unite! Defect cupping report

A novel concept took shape on Tuesday 6th June uniting the cupping enthusiasts of Australia across all 6 states. Hosted in Melbourne at Locale coffee roasters in Abbotsford by Lucy Ward of Sensory Lab & the Roasters Guild, we blindly cupped together six samples of defected coffees.

The ground coffees aromas filled the air, and although we could not smell the other locations from Melbourne we united in our assessments of the foulness the defected coffees were kicking out.

In an open forum across the states of Australia via Skype we discussed the cupping notes together. Mould, Insect damage, Phenol, Sour and Aged coffees were dissected and discussed as the primary faults and taints to look for in Specialty green coffee.

There was a real sense of togetherness & eagerness to learn on the night, made easier by us all seeing each other on screen in real time.

Magda Grzelka of Condesa Co-Lab added “This was a unique opportunity to step out of our Specialty bubble and see how tasting examples of bad coffee makes us really appreciate the good coffee we drink everyday here in Australia”

Sharing knowledge and connecting with other Australian roasters is something we are committed to and would love to host a similar event in the future. This format has been really popular and will get slicker as we do it more. If you have any ideas for future topics let us know,

We will try and keep these events free to ASCA members, if you need to become a member you can do that here.

If you haven’t already, make sure you update your payment details here to ensure uninterrupted access to everything the Australian Specialty Coffee Association has to offer.