Announcing our scholarship winners

ASCA would like to congratulate 11 winners of the ASCA travel scholarships for the 2018 Competition year.

Applicants are reviewed by the ASCA Competitions Committee, and considered based on the member’s past contributions to ASCA.

The ASCA Scholarships are open to competitors, judges, and judges interns who don’t have a regional competition in their state. The scholarships cover the flights and $100 towards accommodation for scholarship winners. Winners must still register for the competition.

The majority of this year’s winners are from Western Australia, and will be flown to Adelaide to participate in the Western Region Coffee Championships.

And the winners are:

Rie Moustakas

Nicole Novak

Dung Chuan

Shari Almond

Eisha Ryden-Hale

Cheong Son

Francesca Lee

Mitchell Freeman

Mitchell Fink

Sargara Varamulia

Ru Teow